Three cheers for Barstow

Damien Guay

To the Editor:

Three cheers and a big “Thank you!” to Aaron Barstow for his article on coming out in Thursday’s Daily.

Thanks also to the entire Daily staff for ongoing coverage of issues and events of interest to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered community.

I’d like to make sure that everyone in the ISU community is aware of some more resources that are available on campus.

One is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Student Services. LSBSS has extensive resources including over 1,000 books, magazines past and present, articles and pamphlets. The office is prepared to make referrals to counselors, medical professionals, and other organizations, provides education on LGBT issues, and support in general.

The office is located in the Dean of Students Office, 210 Student Services, 294-1020.

Another valuable resource is the Student Counseling Service, located on the third floor of Student Services.

Counselors are ready to help with any situation, including the difficulties of coming out to oneself, parents and the world. Stop by or call 294-5056. Remember, getting help doesn’t mean you’re crazy; it means you’re a real person with real problems. And who doesn’t have any problems?

Both resources provide confidential assistance.

Damien Guay

coordinator, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Student Services