Equality of women

Emily Dertz

To the Editor:

In response to Scott Andresen’s “Growing Up A Girl… Wow!”:

I find it interesting that two of the three points Andresen reasoned as motivations for trying out womanhood dealt with sex and sexuality. His third point mentioned that “being a woman without the birthing experience” would be a huge bonus for men thought to be women. Well, surprisingly enough, we don’t have to dip too far into fiction to find out what it’s like to be a “woman without the birthing experience.” There are plenty of women around who have never even been pregnant.

However, somewhere in this point he begins to touch on the real issues surrounding women on a daily basis. The Women’s Conference in Beijing is a blatant example of the fear many have about women convening to talk specifically about women. Hecklers and undercover policemen carefully watch over these women and step in at the slightest offense. We’re not looking for world domination. Women just need a chance to succeed. A little respect would help as well.

If given the chance to explore a woman’s situation in life, one should do more than look at naked women in the locker room and find out if “size really matters” and “how often” it needs to be done. Instead, one should ask: As a woman, am I comfortable at school, at work, and at home? As a woman, am I being given credit for my abilities? Do I feel as though I truly belong? Only when the answer to all these questions is “Yes, I am where I am right now because I have made the choice to be here” is when we no longer need to concern ourselves with women’s issues. At this time we won’t even need a word like feminism. Women’s equality will be an obvious reality.

Emily Dertz