Women’s Week starts Monday

Nationally-known speakers and an examination of the women’s suffrage movement will highlight a celebration of the 75th anniversary of the 19th Amendment and the legacy of Carrie Chapman Catt during Women’s Week.

Scheduled speakers for the week-long celebration include Megan McKenna, the Monsignor James Supple Visiting Scholar in the Department of Religious Studies at ISU; Molly Ivins, columnist for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram; Wilma Mankiller, the first woman ever elected chief of the Cherokee Nation; and Bernice Johnson Reagon, distinguished professor of history at American University and artistic director of the musical group Sweet Honey in the Rock.

The celebration, called “Voices of Influence: Celebrating the Legacy of Carrie Chapman Catt and the 75th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment” will also include four days of Chautauqua festivities, which were popular at the turn of the century.

The Chautauqua tent will be located south of the newly renovated Carrie Chapman Catt Hall and will feature performances of theater, dance and music by university, community and professional performers. Other activities will include panels of scholars and political activists and portrayals of early suffragist leaders by professional actors.

Carrie Chapman Catt Hall, renamed in honor of Catt, and the Plaza of Heroines will be formally dedicated on Friday, Oct. 6 at 3 p.m., bringing the celebration to a close. The dedication will feature several speakers including ISU President Martin Jischke and College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Dean Elizabeth Hoffman.

Catt Hall will house the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences administrative offices, the Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics, African American Studies, American Indian Studies, the Department of Philosophy and other academic programs.

The Plaza of Heroines is a courtyard in front of the building created with bricks inscribed with the names of thousands of women.

For more information about the week’s events, contact the Office of Alumni Relations in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences in 218 Carver Hall or call 294-3607 and be sure to watch for a supplement to Monday’s Iowa State Daily on the Carrie Chapman Catt Celebration.