Students discuss problems of MSA

Anne Rosso

Students at a small group discussion in the Memorial Union Wednesday said a lack of notoriety is one of the problems plaguing the Minority Student Affairs office.

The discussion, attended by just six people, was initiated by the Ames YWCA.

Judy Dolphin, executive director of the YWCA, directed the discussion around the MSA’s lack of publicity and any complaints students may have about the office. The remote location of the MSA office, the third floor of Beardshear Hall, and lack of direct student advertising were cited as some of the problems facing the MSA.

Students complained that many minority students were unaware of the existence of the MSA and had no idea who the office represented.

The group brain stormed on possible solutions including changing student mentalities about minorities on campus and more direct student contact with the MSA and incoming ISU students. The discussion stressed the importance of student input concerning service offices.

“You don’t hear from people with moderate views [about the MSA] until they have a problem,” Dolphin said. “And sometimes then it’s too late.”