Be warned, be safe

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

Attention! The prevalence of venereal warts (bumps caused by the human papilloma virus or HPV) in sexually active men and women on college campuses nationwide is 35% and increasing.

Five of the warts types can cause cancer of the cervix, vulva, penis and anus. The number of abnormal pap smears at the Iowa State university Student Health Center has increased dramatically in recent years, often as a result of wart infection. The treatment of warts can be prolonged, physically and psychologically painful and expensive.

If you want to avoid being infected with venereal warts, don’t have sex until marriage or you’re in a monogamous, long-term, committed relationship.

If you do decide to have sex, use a condom every time, but realize it won’t prevent transmission if the warts are on the partner’s scrotum or perianal area. If you think you have warts, get it checked out and treated by your doctor.

Consider yourself warned. Pregnancy and AIDS are not the only things to fear out there.

R.S. Fritzshe, M.D.
ISU Student Health Center