Towers residents ready for game

Julie Kline

When Iowa and Iowa State hit the field Saturday, students in the Towers Residence Halls will be primed and ready, thanks to efforts of the complex’s executive board members.

This week, Tower’s residents have been able to show their school spirit through “Beat Iowa Week,” designed by the executive board after members realized similar events had been sponsored by the complex in the past, said TRA president and Jeremy Williams, a sophomore in computer engineering.

The Cyclones’ four team captains spoke at an assembly Monday evening. The event, which was open to the public, attracted about 90 people who turned out to see Byron Heitz, Mike Horacek, Matt Straight and Tim Sanders.

The big event of the week was on Wednesday night when Wallace and Knapp Halls got together to spell out “Beat U I” with their residence hall room lights. The display began just after 10 p.m. and lasted about 15 minutes.

“Everyone was very cooperative. It went very well,” said Tony Thrasher, TRA vice president. “We were very pleased with the number of people who showed up to watch. It was a very neat experience.”

The final event of the week will be held today.

All Tower’s residents were asked to wear school colors, cardinal and gold, in to show their support for the team.

The event coincides with a similar request from Government of the Student Body President Dan Mangan and will hopefully make for a better atmosphere at the game on Saturday, Thrasher said.

The success of the events so far has encouraged organizers to make plans for future expansion.

Towers officials are thinking about including more people, possibly a tailgate party. Events may also expand to include homecoming activities, Williams said.