Go ‘Clones, Hawks!

Jim Foreman

To the Editor:

I’m a 1991 graduate of the U of I, currently pursuing a B.S. here at ISU. When I was 18 and a high school graduating senior, I applied for admission only to the U of I.

Even though I didn’t originally choose ISU, I certainly didn’t despise their athletic programs. I had always been a devout Iowa fan.

That means I pulled for ALL Iowa schools, including ISU, Drake, UNI, etc. The only time I cheered for an Iowa school to lose, was when they were playing the Hawkeyes.

I’ve noticed an attitude among Cyclone fans which is, to say the least, not flattering.

They seem to rejoice in reading an “unfavorable” Hawkeye score during a Cyclone game. They hope the Hawks lose. Even when not playing the Cyclones.

To this I say, loosen up. What’s good for Iowa is good for ALL of Iowa. As far as the Iowa-ISU rivalry, perhaps Cyclone fans should concentrate their emotions on Nebraska. Now THAT would truly be a huge victory this season. Much more significant than beating a team which was pleased to finish 500 last year.

I’d love to see it, Cyclones 10, Cornhuskers 7. Can any Cyclone fans say they’d love to see the Hawkeyes beat Penn State?

Jim Foreman