Brother Cane sows their Seeds

Scott Andresen

Stress rotation defines some bands; stress management defines others; then there’s Brother Cane. Stress touring defines them.

Currently on tour with Van Halen, the boys will make an appearance at Hilton Coliseum this Saturday, touring in support of their second release, Seeds, on Virgin Records.

“[The tour] is amazing,” said Roman Glick, bassist. “The crowd’s are coming out earlier; it’s f—king unbelievable.

“There’s more of a younger crowd at Van Halen shows than Plant or Aerosmith [their previous gigs], which is good for us; that’s who we want to play to.”

Glick recently made the transition back to bass guitar after playing six-string on their self-titled debut CD. “I’m actually a bass player from day one,” Glick said. “It’s like a part of my body.”

Since MTV hasn’t jumped on the bandwagon, BC has to please the masses on stage, instead of on video, although they did make an appearance on “Late Night with Conan O’Brien,” playing their first single “And Fools Shine On.”

“It’s definitely not a rock show environment,” Glick said. “You wait hours and hours to play a four-minute song. Don’t get me wrong, it was really great.”

The one thing this self-proclaimed “tall band” noticed was O’Brien’s extreme height. “The guy’s about seven feet tall,” Glick said. “Our friends were telling us he’s a tall guy and damn if he wasn’t.”

The newest trick Glick, vocalist/guitarist Damon Johnson, guitarist David Anderson and drummer Scott Collier have up their sleeves is the Halloween soundtrack.

“We’ve got about four songs on the soundtrack,” Glick said. “I’ve always had more respect for Halloween than the Friday the 13th’s, that got stupid. There’s a cool sickness about Halloween.”

Catch this “rock band in an alternative world” Saturday night opening up for Van Halen at Hilton. Tickets are $35 and $25. For ticket information call 233-1888.