Take home a piece of Hollywood

Erin Getty

This weekend will be one busy weekend for the city of Ames. Sure, the Iowa vs. Iowa State football game is this weekend, but there is another feature attraction out there. Troy Peters, a set dresser for Warner Bros., is holding a movie prop sale here in Ames. Items sold at the prop sale are items from the recently completed Warner Bros. film Twister and from Bridges of Madison County.

The sale will be held this weekend, September 16 and 17. The sale will start at 9:00 a.m. and will end at 5:00 p.m. It will be located at Thies Enterprises (E. Lincoln Way).

Peters worked as a set dresser for both Twister and Bridges of Madison County. He says, “The state of Iowa has been very fortunate in attracting more and more movies to our area.”

Twister, a movie by Michael Crichton, is expected to be an explosive movie from the ol’ state of Iowa. According to Peters, “It is probably the biggest movie yet to be made in Iowa. Due to the awesome special effects, it cost Warner Bros. around 70 million dollars to make Twister.

For those who are wondering – yes, Peters did work with Clint Eastwood and Meryl Streep. He said, “I enjoyed working on the set during the filming of Bridges of Madison County. It was very laid back and relaxed.”

But, Twister, on the other hand, was very hectic. During most of the shoot huge fans were running at all times in order to create massive winds. It was hard to hear anything the directors were trying to say, Peters said.

Peters owns all of the props about to be sold this weekend. He bought all of the goods that Warner Bros. did not plan to ship back to the studios. One of the most famous items to be sold is Francesca’s kitchen radio from Bridges of Madison County. He is hoping the big game, you know – the Iowa vs Iowa State game, will draw in a good crowd this weekend.

The items to be sold will sell within a wide range of a few dollars to thousands of dollars. So, balance your checkbook and head on down to Thies Enterprises.