Hiding behind God

Beverly Mau

To the Editor:

I am writing in response to Jerry Netolicky’s opinion of Barstow’s column, “Homophobics Suffer From a Sad Illness.”

I feel it is important for me as an out individual in the lesbian/gay/bisexual community to clarify what it means to be queer to Mr. Netolicky as well as any other Christian at large who is unclear, for I have too have been tapped on the shoulder from the local Bible Thumpers.

The fact that Aaron Barstow has a problem with God instead of the people that told him “what God said concerning his queer lifestyle” is simply wrong.

Do not preach God’s will and expect to hide behind God. “If you talk the talk, then you’ve got to walk the walk.” Stand behind your words as I do mine, with the conviction that truth shall over-ride all else.

Do not cower, Mr. Netolicky, and hide behind God, for if you truly believe in what you are saying, you will allow a retort to be bestowed upon your God-fearing head.

When was the last time you or the campus preacher or any other christian activist attended an LGBA meeting to try and educate yourself about the facts?

In reference to your not knowing any homophobics, I say open your eyes and ears. Let me tell you about my friend who was accosted by three men with bats because she was an out lesbian. Let me tell you of a friend of mine who was mugged walking home from a party because he was openly gay.

I do not want you to think that your Christian Doctrine has stopped us from living just as full a life as you, though, because some of us are in your churches praying to the same God. Look around, because we are everywhere.

As to your thinking that the queer community has not been oppressed, I suggest you open your history text and read up on the symbolism behind the pink and black triangle during Hitler’s campaign to annihilate queers along with the Jews. I also suggest you think about why lesbians and gays have been systematically removed from the legalized marriage process in this country as is fully recognized for heterosexuals.

I would like you to also think about the reasoning behind denied housing for same sex couples in this great, free, “egalitarian” society of ours.

Yes, we are writing columns and having parades. These freedoms you enjoy blindly without a struggle had to be earned tooth and nail by the community; I am in simply because of oppression.

Concerning queer sex-ed in the schools: I had sex-ed taught to me in elementary school. Unfortunately, it was the hetero version. If children can be taught about straight sex, then it is about time they learned about the magic 10 percent who are not “straight.”

In reference to more extreme displays during Pride Parades, I will not excuse anything that happens. There are eccentrics in every facet of society, and if you are willing to let your entire opinion to be swayed by these few, then it truly is sad.

If you ever do go to another Parade, though, then open your eyes and leave the selective memory at home.

I am glad that you are getting a degree in genetics, for we need more educated individuals to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that whom I love is as natural to me as who you love.

As far as the label, “lifestyle,” attributed to me by you, I must say you are in error again. Whom I love is firmly rooted in my identity, and to love at all is a gift from God.

And that, Mr. Netolicky, God should have conveyed to you through the Scriptures.

Beverly Mau
