Campaign hopes to raise cash for band

Jennifer Young

The Iowa State Band recently initiated an Adopt-the-Band campaign to raise money for uniforms, instruments and travel expenses.

The campaign, which began last month, will benefit the entire 500-member band program, but will primarily help the marching band.

To help, a donor must adopt a particular position for a minimum of $100.

Depending on the donor’s annual contribution level, he or she will receive acknowledgement for their participation in the campaign.

The program is designed to eventually endow a fund, so the annual interest can be used to meet the band’s needs.

All donors are encouraged to make a three-year commitment. Those donors who do commit for three years or longer will be elevated to a higher level of recognition and gift premiums.

The donor awards include having their name in the football program, a compact disc, a video of the band season and the chance to conduct the fight song at an ISU football game.

Joe Christensen, director of university bands, said the goal of the campaign is to raise $1 million for an endowment.

So far, the largest donor has been Scott Olson, a former ISU band member, who has contributed $250,000 in differed gifts.

Dan Barret, also a former band member has contributed $145,000 in differed gifts.

For more information call the band office, 294-2080, or the ISU Foundation, 294-4607