Save the Browsing Library

Editorial Board

The Browsing Library should not be eliminated from the Memorial Union. As part of the M.U. renovation plan, the ground level of the Union will be remodeled to house an area of consolidated student office space.

GSB President Dan Mangan said the future of the Browsing Library depends on student opinion. But even if students want to keep it, the construction project will inevitably change the library’s location.

Mangan offered two options for the Browsing Library: to remain on ground floor, but be moved closer to the north wall or to relocate to an unused study lounge on first floor.

The best option is to move the library to first floor. Staying in its present location, the library would soon be surrounded by student office spaces.

Amidst several student organizations, the library would likely become a heavily trafficked meeting place, thus losing its unique atmosphere.

Although the library would no longer underpin Gold Star Hall as the original architect envisioned, it would still provide the same relaxed environment as it has in the past.

Stop in the Browsing Library and voice your opinion to the Government of the Student Body and Student Union Board by filling out a survey.

Dan Mangan may have said it best: “This is the student union and students should make the decisions.”