Floyd speaks at Welcomefest

Matthew Seifert

Basketball head coach Tim Floyd welcomed students back Wednesday when he spoke at the Leid Athletic Center during Welcomefest.

“I can honestly tell you that I cannot believe I ever turned down a job here,” Floyd said of the fantastic amount of support he has received for Iowa State basketball.

The crowd of about two hundred took time out from the Welcomefest booths and stands to hear Floyd speak and to cheer for him on the rec center track and volleyball floor.

He then turned to the fact that most of last year’s starters won’t be back.

“Someone asked me who I was happiest to see coming back and I said me, Floyd, the head coach,” he said.

Floyd also spoke of what promises to be an exciting football season. Since we are playing Ohio University, a team that was also 0-10-1, it should be like a Super Bowl for the two teams, he said.

Floyd closed by saying he is looking forward to this year.

“I think it’s going to be a fun year all around.”

The crowd that gathered cheered him as he walked off and was surrounded by a small mob of students anxious for autographs.

Afterwards Floyd commented on his great popularity at ISU saying that the attention is really focused on the basketball coach.

“It’s not about Tim Floyd, it’s about the enthusiasm. Pee-Wee Herman is going to be a celebrity in that spot,” he said.

Floyd said he was amazed at the student support for the basketball program.

“We’ve had countless requests from student organizations for us to come and speak to them — fraternities, sororities, as well as the dorms,” he said.

“The fan support at Hilton is the students,” Floyd said about the dynamics of the basketball program.

The student interest keeps the alumni and friends of the univers-ity interested in the program, he said.

Floyd said he is very pleased with ticket sales so far this year.

“Tickets are tough to get, which is always good [for the program],” he said.