Lyrical Iowa opens eyes

J. Ranae Ragee

Iowa is known for many beautiful things such as its roaming golden cornfields, its overly-friendly people, and our poetry. Poetry contests are posted everywhere, but few who enter actually reap the benefits of a creative poetry success story.

Poems by 327 Iowans have been chosen for publication in the Iowa Poetry Association’s anthology, Lyrical Iowa, from among entries in their annual contest, conducted earlier this year.

The state-wide competition just announced the winners of the contest. A total of 5,584 entries were received in three divisions; adult, college and school divisions.

Work of adult poets from 76 of Iowa’s 99 counties will be represented when publication of Lyrical Iowa is completed later this summer.

The 47 school poems to be included were selected from over 3,400 entries in high school, upper grades (4-8) and lower grades (K-4) divisions.

The Iowa Poetry Association is a non-profit organization whose members and officers seek to encourage and improve the quality of poetry written by Iowans of all ages, a press release said.

The 1995 book containing prize-winning and other high-ranking poems may be ordered from the editor, Lucille Morgan Wilson at 2325 61st St., Des Moines, IA 50322 with remittance of $7 per copy, postpaid. The cost is $8 for orders after Sept. 1.

Wilson may also be contacted about next year’s contest for which entries will be accepted after January 1st.

With the publication of Iowa poetry, the book proves that poetry can only enhance our imaginations and fulfill our inner needs for creativity and vividness for the art of fine writing.