For Your Information

Get involved, the YMCA needs Y Pals

The Ames-ISU YMCA is currently seeking children to become involved in our Y Pal program. The Pal Program provides children with an opportunity to develop a special relationship with their Big Pal and to receive extra care and friendship from an older person in the Ames area.

Little Pals usually come from a single parent home, are between the ages of 5 and 14 and must be willing to accept the friendship of a caring adult. Although boys and girls are welcome to apply, due to the large number of Big Pal applications we have received from women volunteers we have a great need for little girls to enter the program so that additional matches can be established.

For more information contact the YMCA office, Room 109 Lab of Mechanics, Iowa State University or call 294-2263

Entice new students with free food

On Monday the College of Agriculture Council is sponsoring a free food buffet at 5 p.m. between Kildee and the Pavilion for all freshmen and transfer students. At 6 p.m. there will be a raffle.

Polk Gallery displays “Bulgarian Project”

The Polk County Heritage Gallery is proud to announce its next exhibition titled, “The Bulgarian Project.” This exhibit consists of works by high school students from the Arts and History High School in Razgard, Bulgaria. Five teachers and the headmaster of the school have been invited to the United States to conduct workshops.

The show will be displayed until September 1, in the Heritage Gallery located in the north lobby of the Polk County Office Building at Second and Walnut in downtown Des Moines.