Gilman construction continues

Kirsten Skelly

Students having trouble getting around the remodeling at Gilman Hall had better get used to it.

Ken Smith, project manager for the remodeling, said work is proceeding on schedule and will be completed around the first of next year. The building’s front entry and steps, as well as some interior corridors must still be completed.

With work going on while classes are in session, noise is a concern. George Kraus, Chemistry Department chairman, said that while construction crews try to accommodate the needs of the people using the building, some disturbance is unavoidable.

“We’ve tried to get people to be as quiet as possible. However, one thing we as chemistry faculty cannot control is the timing of things,” Kraus said.

But Smith said few people have complained about noise from the construction.

“We’ve really had no complaints,” Smith said, “As far as students go there really haven’t been any problems.”

Thomas Greenbowe, chemistry professor, said he has only been disturbed once during a lecture by noise from the construction. During that lecture, construction crews were using a saw right outside the lecture hall, but after Greenbowe spoke with workers, they agreed to work in another location during the lecture.

Another difficulty for students caused by the Gilman remodeling is moving in and out of the building. With the main entrance closed, most students enter and exit through the east and west entrances, which causes bottlenecks during busy times.