Sports Shorts

Season-ending injuries

Iowa State center Mike Sakalas and Cyclone cornerback Kemp Knighten, who both recently suffered season-ending injuries, will be forced to spend this year’s football season as spectators.

Sakalas, a 6’3″ 289 lb. junior offensive lineman from Warren, Mich., will miss all 11 games after breaking his leg during the first day of practice in full pads. Sakalas, who had just recovered from the same injury five months ago, was a projected starter for this year’s squad.

“Mike missed almost all of spring practice because he broke his leg then. He has great competitive desire and had a chance to be an outstanding center for us,” said Iowa State head football coach Dan McCarney.

Sakalas, who plans to have surgery soon, is expected to to return to action for coach McCarney on his 1996 squad.

The Cyclones second injury of the season came when starting ISU cornerback Knighten got his legs tied up with a receiver. Knighten had reconstructive surgery on Friday to repair ligament and cartilage damage in his knee.

Baseball tryouts

The Iowa State baseball team will be holding an informational meeting concerning walk-on tryouts on Aug. 22 at 4 p.m. in room 104 of Beyer Hall.