Character matters

Joe Kennedy

To the Editor:

I would like to respond to Brian Stoufer’s comments about Texas senator Phil Gramm (Fri., Aug. 25).

Mr. Stoufer is a transportation logistics major who needs to take a ride on the bus back to reality.

First of all, the party at the Delta Upsilon Fraternity with Delta Tau Delta and Sigma Phi Epsilon was to welcome the senator to Iowa

Although he did provide free food, all the beer was paid for by the houses. As anyone who went to the straw poll saw, almost every candidate gave out free food as well as T-shirts.

Senator Gramm didn’t use money to get support. However, Bob Dole brought 10 busloads of people to Ames to help his cause. That is what I call buying votes. Senator Gramm is a great man who people can trust.

Even with all of his facts grossly unfounded, Mr. Stoufer is right about one thing. Character does matter, and Phil Gramm’s character is on solid ground.

Joe Kennedy



member of Sigma Phi Epsilon