Free Friday Flicks: 50 years running

Heather Wiese

If you missed Apollo 13 or Batman Forever this summer or couldn’t convince yourself to part with your hard earned dollars to see Judge Dredd, the Residence Hall Movie Commission, together with the Inter Residence Hall Association is bringing these movies and many more to you for free.

Beginning with the Dustin Hoffman thriller, Outbreak, Sept.9, a free movie will be shown each Friday evening this semester in Carver Hall room 101 or room 1.

Paul Dotta, president of the movie commission, also known as Free Friday Flicks, said the films are free to all Iowa State residence hall students. However, each student may bring one guest.

“We prefer that students bring an ISU I.D. and fee card for admittance,” Dotta said.

The Friday evening movie tradition, which began 50 years ago at ISU, is fully funded by the IRHA, Dotta commented.

“We like to get as new as movies as possible, but we have budget constraints,” Dotta said.

Just like the movie theaters, the Free Friday Flicks commission calls movie distributors to rent the movies for one night, but certain college release dates determine which movies are available, Dotta said.

For more information on the time and place or even the movie itself, call Paul Dotta at 296-9864 or watch for posted listings on campus.