Character void can’t be filled with money

Jill Crew

To the Editor:

As an enthusiastic Dole supporter, I found Saturday’s Republican Caucus Kickoff to be a clear indicator of the differences between between Bob Dole and Phil Gramm.

Senator Dole and Mrs. Dole had a reception on Saturday afternoon to meet students on a one-on-one basis.

Phil Gramm threw the biggest party he could muster for students on Friday night in hopes that the good times might spell votes the next day.

Bob Dole encouraged students to participate in the straw poll. Phil Gramm offered a cash reward to the greek house that turned out the most votes.

The character void in the Oval Office isn’t crying out for a politician who will use money to get his way. It is calling for an individual with true leadership ability and high moral character.

Jill Crew


Agricultural Studies