Catt Center sponsors hot dog dinner

Shawn O'Hara

The Carrie Chapman Catt Center will sponsor a welcome back hot dog supper on the Sloss House lawn Tuesday, Aug. 29.

Jennifer Smyser, program assistant for the Carrie Chapman Catt Center, said all students are welcome to attend the event, which is co-sponsored by the Sloss House.

In addition to providing free food to hungry students and making them aware of the center, Smyser said she hopes to meet students willing to volunteer their time during the week of the center’s dedication.

Although the official dedication of the Carrie Chapman Catt Center is Oct. 6, officials would like to find workers as soon as possible, Smyser said.

“The week of the dedication (Oct. 1-6) will be filled with activities,” Smyser said. “We will need students to work at the information tables around campus.”

During that week, a tent in front of the center will be the sight of panel discussions, speeches by female legislatures and a reading by Jane Smiley from her book, Moo. Smiley is an English instructor at ISU.

Smyser emphasized that although the Catt Center focuses on women in politics, its programs and facilities are not exclusively for women.

“Men interested in political issues and their effect on women are more than welcome to help out,” she said.

The hot dog supper will run from 5 to 7 p.m. on the Sloss House lawn, south of Curtis Hall.