Lincoln Highway Days go thru Nevada

Scott Andresen

What’s the big deal with this Lincoln Highway? It’s just another asphalt road that students must cross to get to campus, right? Wrong. This historical highway is the longest road in the continental United States, and Nevada is celebrating its history with the Lincoln Highway Days.

Starting Aug. 25 and continuing through the 27th, there is bound to be something for everyone .

“We’re going to have a parade with Classic Cruisers leading [the parade] off at nine and the regular parade will follow at 10,” said Marla Rhodes, president of Lincoln Highway Days. “We anticipate a two hour parade.”

Along with the parade the committee plans on having various activities at the 4-H grounds. “We have a varied industries building, an arts and crafts display and several performances,” Rhodes said.

Included in those performances are a cheerleading exhibition from the Nevada highschool cheerleaders and a Tae Kwon Do exhibition.

Without the 82 year old Lincoln Highway, transportation between Ames and Nevada would be nil and Nevada realizes the importance of the road.

“We started celebrating this 12 years ago,” Rhodes said. “It started out as a celebration for the new railroad built [12 years ago] and we just kept celebrating every year.”

The theme this year is “82 years of progress,” Rhodes said. To fully understand the magnitude of this magical highway, head East to Nevada, just a hop, skip and jump away traveling on the Lincoln Highway, and have a blast from the past.