Book helps women scholars

Scott Andresen

Never fear, women, there’s help just around the corner. A new book has just been released, The College Woman’s Handbook. Women can now maximize their educations and minimize their doubts, questions or concerns.

This book is a college woman’s community resource center, 24-hour helpline, big sister, best friend and a complete life education, all under one cover.

Authors Rachel Dobkin and Shana Sippy, two recent Barnard graduates, know what female students are up against.

“Our goal is to provide women with all the basic information and resources they need to help them navigate the tricky waters of the college experience, milk the undergraduate years for all they’re worth and take care of themselves — while having a good time in the process,” Dobkin said in a press release.

The book contains 24 chapters that cover such topics as grades, depression, violence, personal safety, choosing a major, body image and various other issues.

“Although some experiences may be common among all women, that doesn’t mean we should all confront and handle them in the same way,” Sippy and Dobkin both agreed.

The College Woman’s Handbook goes for $14.95 and can be found in your nearest bookstore.