Iowa State athletes take a seat at the training table

Lisa Helgeson

It’s been a tradition at Iowa State for over 25 years. The ISU athletic training table, a private dining center located at the east end of the Linden dining center, is a place where athletes can enjoy healthy, nutritious meals that are lower in fat.

“The training table was a facility the athletic department asked us to provide for the teams because their time table is different their schedule is different and its where we try and add lower fat choices to the food selections. We started last fall, serving unlimited portions because there is a higher need for a higher caloric intake for these athletes,” said Jamie McDonald, assistant food service manager at Linden.

The training table consists of a self-serve buffet table that is offered Monday through Friday. The buffet offers a pasta and potato bar that is high in carbohydrates and a salad bar that includes over 30 items from fresh fruit to dry salad toppings. Several different beverages are provided to make sure the athletes receive adequate hydration. No soda is served because of the high amount of sugar. There is also a registered dietitian on staff to help athletes with all their nutrition needs

Under NCAA regulations, only scholarship athletes may eat at the training table, which currently serves only the football team, the volleyball team and the men’s and women’s basketball teams. Walk-ons are also allowed to eat at the training table during the season. Plans are currently being discussed to include all scholarship athletes in the training table program.

“We think nutrition is very important for our athletes and this is a great environment for our athletes. It’s flexible and it’s great for team unity,” said Denise Harklau, the women’s head trainer. “The training table has done a great job of improving the nutrition of the food they serve.”

The ISU athletic training table also provides special pregame meals that are stacked with carbohydrates and special victory dinners.

“It’s a pretty good deal. We like to do little things for the athletes to keep their spirits up. We like doing the victory dinners for them. We’re expecting to do a lot more,” McDonald said.