Daily should be less biased

Timothy Wright

To the Editor:

I am writing regarding the Monday Aug. 28 issue of the Iowa State Daily, specifically the article regarding women’s soccer by Miss Joanne Roepke.

It was nice to see soccer actually getting print space in the media. However, I did have a few problems with the article. The article seemed to focus on the players that head coach Cathy Klien brought with her from Creighton.

Every single player mentioned in the article was one of the women that Coach Klien brought with her either from Creighton or from the soccer camp she hosted there.

To me, a second year Iowa State student and fan of soccer anywhere, I wonder why there is no mention of the other players on the team that are from Iowa State and not from Creighton. This leads me to think that the author of this article was not altogether unbiased as a journalist should be when writing an article.

I was also intrigued by the fact that Lauren Muser was referred to as “the team’s goalkeeper” and not as the starting goalkeeper for the soccer team.

The fact is that Miss Theresa Daniels was placed at the goal- keeper position approximately two-thirds of the way through the game. Miss Daniels finished the game with approximately three saves, give or take, and one point against. In the future I do hope that whomever you have covering the women’s varsity soccer team, and the men’s club soccer teams will be a little less biased.

Timothy Wright
undecided LAS