ISU band gets new director

Danielle Doak

The football team isn’t the only organization at Cyclone Stadium with new leadership this fall.

Iowa State’s Cyclone Marching Band is now under the direction of John P. LaCognata. He replaces Roger Cichy, who resigned after nine years as the band’s director.

LaCognata said providing support for the athletic teams is his top priority for the 1995 marching band, which has about 300 members. He said he hopes that entertaining fans and having fun will be a part of the process.

After directing Louisiana State University’s band for two years, LaCognata said teaching in Iowa is “a coming back to what I’m used to.”

LaCognata received a bachelor’s degree in music education from the University of Illinois and a master’s degree in trumpet performance from Auburn University.

He said he feels that the marching style here is very similar to what he learned in Illinois.

Although the band has had only two weeks to prepare for its first performance, LaCognata is optimistic that things will continue to go smoothly.

The new director added he feels that he and the band are still in the process of “getting to know each other,” but is thankful that the group has, “a good willingness to try new things.”

The marching band will perform at Thursday’s home football opener against Ohio University.