Fraternities initiate new rush program

Crispina Chong

Fraternity rush for the Iowa State Greek System is taking on a whole new flavor this year as organizers inject fun, food and games into an otherwise formal occasion.

The Fraternity Fall Extravaganza will be taking place close to the residence halls today through Wednesday, with food and games to accompany information about greek life, residence hall living, the government of the student body and student organizations.

Brian Wirtz, Interfraternity Council vice president of rush and head of the organizing committee, said the old method of setting up tables in the middle of campus in a fraternity forum was intimidating for students. Instead of waiting for the students to approach them, the greeks have decided to go to the students.

“This is something that’s never been done before,” Wirtz said. “We’re trying to draw a lot of people out to our activities and have more interaction between people in the greek system and the residence halls and break down the stereotypes.”

Beginning at 4 p.m. today, softball, soccer and football games will be taking place every hour at the Towers Residence Association intramural fields until 8 p.m.

Activities move to the Richardson Court Residence Association courtyard on Tuesday, where a night of television game shows like “American Gladiators” and the “Dating Game” will take place.

On the last day of the extravaganza, more games will be held at the Clyde Williams Field at the Union Drive Residence Association.

“We want everyone to come out just to visit,” Wirtz said. “This will give them an opportunity to decide which fraternity they want to know more about and visit. This way they can make an informed decision.”

After the three-day event, individual fraternities have planned rush functions that will last from Thursday, Aug. 31 until Sept. 8.

“These functions will be taking the place of formal rush,” Wirtz said.

The functions range from cookouts to football games to dinner exchanges with sororities.

“I’m optimistic about the quality of the people that have come in,” Wirtz said. “This could be a new breakthrough in terms of recruiting.”

Dave Collins, IFC adviser, said the new system will allow students to see what is available in terms of leadership opportunities within the greek system, the residence halls and the student governing bodies.

“I’m very optimistic, very excited,” Collins said. “This is a less intimidating forum.”

“Instead of having passersby dropping in at tables, this will be a chance for the residence halls and the greek systems to work together,” Collins added.