Hy-Vee getting larger new store

Bill Kopatich

Construction has begun on a new Hy-Vee super store to be located less than one block west of the current store on West Lincoln Way.

The new store, which will be located in the former Kmart building, will offer almost three times as much shopping space as the present site.

“The new Hy-Vee in west Ames will be one of the largest Hy-Vee stores in the state,” said Ruth Mitchell, director of communications. “It will be a one-stop shopping center. People will be able to do a variety of things in one spot.”

The new store will cover 70,000 square feet, an almost three-fold increase from the 26,000 square feet that the current store covers. An appearance change will also accompany the larger store.

Some of the new developments include: Mexican and Chinese food carry-out, homemade pizzas, a fresh fruit and vegetable juice bar, a submarine sandwich bar, greatly expanded general merchandising and an expanded deli.

Mitchell said construction should be completed by late winter or early spring, depending on the weather.

Hy-Vee employees seem to be excited about the changes.

“This is a much needed change,” said Kathie Landis, a clerk at the store. “The new store will offer a lot more variety to better serve its customers.”

“I think it will be funner to work at the new store because of all the new services,” said Gori Devrajani, a customer service representative. “I am excited about all the new technology and equipment that will be installed.”

Hy-Vee officials say the new store will merge with its neighbor, Drug Town, which is owned by Hy-Vee. In addition, Hy-Vee will open a new Drug Town store on Main Street in the Old Depot.

Marc Hall, a Drug Town manager, said the new pharmacy will offer many of the same products and services as the current store. He said the reason Hy-Vee officials decided to open a new Drug Town store in downtown is to better serve residents in other parts of town.

Hall said employees of the Lincoln Way Drug Town have an option of working at the combined super store or can apply for a job at the new store. He said no one will lose a job because of the merger.

Plans call for the new pharmacy to open in September or October.