Octopus Harem from Minneapolis to entangle the Maintenance Shop

Kris Fettkether

Feelin’ Minnesota? Well, then join the harem. The land of 10,000 lakes gives central Iowa one more aquatic pleasure, of sorts. Octopus Harem, a Minneapolis-based quartet, will take up stakes Friday night at the M-Shop.

A group that relies heavily on strong writing and lyrics, Harem describes their music as “soul music for the mind and body.” Lead vocalist Queeve explained that the lyrics are as important as the music. “I like telling a story, trying to convey something. We try to make it as pleasing as possible.”

Octopus Harem came together as a group in 1992 when Wisconsin natives John Olson and Queeve met Iowa transplant, bass player Scott Glazer, in Minneapolis.

After several attempts at trying to find the right drummer, in April of 1995 led them to their “long lost soul member,” drummer Scott Wenum, joined and the rest as they say, is Harem history.

Although often compared to pop group XTC, Harem doesn’t site them as an influence. “I can see where we might be compared to XTC or other pop bands,” Queeve noted.

“But it’s simply because my voice is so a-typical, and so is John’s guitar playing.” Queeve further explains that his high range and the overall catchy melodies give the eclectic mixture an “art pop” feel.

The vitals on these self-proclaimed sun lovers (in Minneapolis?): all are vegetarians, all own a copy of Nick Drake’s Time of NO Reply and all play more than one instrument. Modern day Renaissance men indeed!

Octopus Harem washes ashore Friday, July 14 at the Maintenance Shop. Copies of their CD Popsicle will be available for $10 each. The opening band will be Ames’ own Lunchbox.

Showtime is 9 p.m. Tickets are $3 in advance, $4 day of show. As always, any age is welcome. For more info, call 294-2758.