ISU hires new Asst. dean

Iowa State Daily

After a month-long search, Terri Houston has been selected as Iowa State’s new assistant dean.

The search committee listed the strengths and weaknesses for each of the five candidates, rather than picking one finalist. From their evaluations, Dean Kathleen MacKay made the final decision.

“All of the candidates did well, but Houston received really good evaluations from all around,” MacKay said.

“I was thoroughly impressed by the way students related to her,” MacKay said.

Students who talked to her said they could see themselves working with her, MacKay said.

Currently, Houston is in Michigan “packing up her life,” MacKay said.

Houston will begin working in August, MacKay said.

“When she arrives, I encourage everyone to stop in to room 64 of the Memorial Union and meet her,” MacKay said.

Houston will oversee the Greek Life and the Student Organizations and Activities Center, and will work closely with the Government of the Student Body and Veishea.