Female ISUprofessors get bigger raises

Crispina Chong

Average salary increases for female faculty at ISU are higher than for male faculty, according to a studey by ISU’s Office of Institutional Research (OIR).

The average salary increase for female faculty for the 1996 fiscal year was 4.5 percent, while male faculty had an average salary increase of 3.99 percent, according to the summary of the study.

The report indicated that female salary increases were 0.93 percent higher at the professorial level, but the average salary of both male and female professors were the same.

The average salaries for female associate and assistant professors is slightly less than their male counterparts’, the summary also reported.

Associate Provost Ed Lewis said the chair of the department primarily determines the salaries of faculty, with a review by the dean of the college or department.

OIR Director Betty Stanley said the study is conducted once a year when salary increases are made.

The study is done because “the university’s administration would like to have comparative information on salary increases,” she said. “It’s also to provide information to the university community.”

John Melsa, the Dean of Engineering, said he was not surprised at the trend. “The female faculty members are highly sought,” he said. “People are desiring diversity in faculty now.”

“It’s a matter of small supply and higher demand,” Melsa said.