By the way…

Iowa State Daily

I.S. Center on-line

Those who get their daily dose of information from a computer rather than a newspaper or radio will have an extra opportunity to keep on top of the entertainment that’s coming through Ames. The Iowa State Center has introduced their own homepage on the Internet.

The site can be accessed through the Iowa State University homepage or at this site:

Right now, the page features a brief description of the Center, calendar listings of upcoming Center events and other events in the area, ticket info and everything you need to know about the 1995-96 Performing Arts Season at C.Y. Stephens Auditorium.

Free poetry contest

Another chance to score some cash and publicity is in store for all poets. The International Library of Famous Poets is sponsoring a poetry contest, with $1,000 grand prize, that’s open to everyone.

Poems may be written on any subject, using any style, but they must be under 21 lines. The deadline for entering is July 29, 1995. Poems will not be returned.Winners will be announced September 5, at which time all prizes will be awarded and a winner’s list sent to all entrants.

Please send poems to: Free Poetry Contest, 421 N. Rodeo Dr., Suite 15-544, Beverly Hills, CA 90210.

It’s baaaack . . .

For those who were disappointed when some of the year’s most intriguing yet short-lived films shafted our fair town, the Committee on Lectures has devised a way to resurrect these movies for everyone to see.

Tonight, for instance, the committee will screen Dolores Claibourne at 7:30 p.m. in the Pioneer Room of the Memorial Union. It is free to everyone.

Dolores Claibourne is part of The I-Blinked-and-Missed-It Film Series, which is in its fifth year of existence.

“In Ames, frequently, if you don’t move quickly, if a movie comes to town at all, you don’t get to see it,” Pat Miller, coordinator of the Committee on Lectures, explained. “So the committee decided to pick up fils that people have missed.”

Another upcoming film is Don Juan deMarco July 13.

Calling all thespians!

For all those who have aspired to work on the live stage, now is your chance. Auditions for the Ingersoll Dinner Theater’s production of Catch Me If You Can, a murder-mystery, will be held at the Ingersoll Dinner Theater next Monday, July 10. Tryout time is 7:30 p.m.

The plot centers on a newlywed couple who journey to a secluded location for their honeymoon. The wife suddenly disappears, and in an unexpected twist, a young woman shows up on the scene claiming that she is the man’s wife.

Scott Kees, director of marketing at Ingersoll, explained that all actors, with or without previous stage experience, are encouraged to try out.

“It’s always good to have experience,” he said, “but we like as many people to show up at auditions as possible so we can get the very best. Experience is not a prerequisite or anything.”

Kees also said that people are needed both for speaking parts and extras, so there’s a place for even the extra shy.

Performance dates for the show will run from August 31 to September 17, and the play is directed by Mike Willis.