Woman reports sexual assault

Jenny Hykes

An Iowa State student reported to the Department of Public Safety that she was sexually assaulted by three males in a Union Drive Association residence hall room early Sunday, DPS Director Loras Jaeger said.

Jaeger said the woman wanted to report the basic information of the incident, but did not want the matter to be investigated. The victim said she was acquainted with one of the alleged assailants.

Jaeger said throughout the year “we have a few people report to let us know that an incident like this has occurred but who don’t want to go through the rigors of a trial.”

“We would encourage these anonymous reports because they help us identify problems on campus so we can set up programs or allocate personnel,” Jaeger said.

Jaeger said the Department of Public Safety urges victims of sexual assault to report the incidents for investigation and to use the services of the Student Counseling Services, the Women’s Center, Access or the Dean of Students.