Graduate Senate buys new computer

Bill Kopatich

The Graduate Student Senate has agreed to purchase a new computer system for its soon-to-be relocated office space in the Memorial Union.

By a nearly unanimous vote, the GSS decided that a portion of the $4,000 already allocated to a computer reserve fund would be used to replace a computer already used in the office.

Several senators drew objections to the plan, saying they felt the senate should put more time into researching other computer systems before using the allocated funds.

Senators John Van Dyk and Alex Soejarto responded by explaining that the software for the new computer should be purchased as soon as possible before prices for the Internet increase after July 31.

Van Dyk, a co-author of the bill to purchase the new computer, said the new computer and the software accompanying it are more compatible with the Internet. He said the computer system in use at the GSS office right now is a Microsoft Word 2.0. Most computers today use Word 5.0 or 6.0.

The GSS also discussed possible changes in the way teaching assistants are paid at its meeting on Monday night. Currently, teaching assistants are paid by the month for their services. An idea brought up at the meeting would call for free tuition to be granted to teaching assistants, with the money being deducted from their paycheck.