Pianist Lorie Line to tickle the ivories at C.Y. Stephens

J. Ranae Ragee

Clear, beautiful melodies and lush orchestrations is what Lorie Line is all about. Her talent and presence shines on stage when she tinkles the ol’ ivories in the presence of her crowds.

C.Y. Stephens Auditorium will have the distinct pleasure of Lorie Line’s piano talents accompanied with her own orchestra for a performance August 10 at 8 p.m.

Lorie Line will have the chance to show Ames that the old black and white keys are not just for boring the pants off of listeners, but for some exciting stuff!

“I thrive on interacting with the crowd,” she said in a press release. “People show up thinking that they’re just going to see a piano recital, but that changes once they see us perform.”

She not only plays by ear, but from the heart. Line began her professional music career six years ago, playing for crowds of department store shoppers. “I’m trained classically,” Lines said, “but most comes spontaneous to me. It comes from within.”

Today, she’s the CEO of her own company, Time Line Productions, Inc., with annual gross sales in excess of $2 million. She has released eight recordings (10 by the end of 1995), and publishes sheet music of her arrangements. She appears throughout the United States with her own Pop Chamber Orchestra in over 50 concerts annually, many of which are sell-outs.

Her drive to succeed in the competitive world of music began long before she became a professional musician. Line began performing when she was little more than a toddler, entertaining her Reno, Nevada classmates with arrangements of nursery songs on her toy piano.

When her parents learned of her ablity, they enrolled six-year old Line in private piano lessons. Line continued her studies all through school and eventually earned a B.A. in Music Performance in Piano from the University of Nevada at Reno.

By 1989, Line was playing the piano five days a week at a department store while working full-time as a marketing executive. Soon, shoppers began leaving their names and addresses, asking Line to let them know when she released an album.

When the list reached 500 names, Lorie and Tim (her husband and also a marketing executive), decided it was time for Lorie to quit her day job and head to the recording studio to produce a knock-out piano CD.

From the very beginning, Line has managed every step of her career. Time Line Productions, Inc., Lorie and Tim Line’s record and management company, was formed in 1989 to oversee Lorie’s career through event and concert planning, promotions and production and distribution of her recordings.

Most recording artists believe that success comes by signing with a major label, but not Lorie Line. Time Line Productions, Inc., located in Minneapolis, is the center for Lorie Line’s own record label.

“We are everything under one roof,” Line explained. “We have tons of quality control because we initiate it all.” Lorie and Tim Line manage everything from the booking of her concerts to leasing the pianos for the selected concert spots. Her music is played at aerobic classes, dinner parties, in hotel lobbies and even for relaxation and health reconstruction.

Her ability to please crowds with her soothing music is evident and will be justified as Lorie Line takes on Hilton with the black and white keys and her magical fingers gently producing that ear-enticing product that makes her audiences love her nationwide!

Tickets can be purchased at The Iowa State Center Box Office, all Ticketmaster outlets or charge by phone at 233-1888. All seats reserved, so mark your calendar for August 10 at 8 p.m.