Sports complex fund drive begins in Ames

Deborah Jacobsen

The Ames Youth Sports Commission kicked off the “Fulfill the Promise: Build the Dream” fund raising campaign yesterday to raise $1.5 million to build the complex.

“Today is an important day for the children in Ames. After many years they will now have a place to call their own,” said Rick Thompson, co-general chairperson.

“‘Fulfill the Promise: Build the Dream’ states the importance of striving to provide the best resources in the community for the children of today and for future generations,” Thompson said.

The idea for the complex arose due to the high level of participation at existing parks, the overused and inadequately maintained schoolyards, the families with multiple children and the lack of facilities which resulted in the turning away of children who wanted to participate.

“This first-class facility, when completed, will have 15 soccer fields, nine little league baseball diamonds, and six girls’ softball diamonds. Along with that, parking for over 800 vehicles, a concession building, plenty of restrooms, a children’s playground and a picnic area,” said Thompson.

The complex will be located south of Highway 30 between the Skunk River and the former Waste Treatment Plant. Construction is scheduled to begin in November of 1995.

“We, as a family and as a company, are believers that organization in recognized sports are important in developing strong personal values at a young age that will travel with these kids for the rest of their lives which is an important asset in a project like this,” said Gary Thompson, co-general chairperson.

Verle Burgason, major gifts chairperson, announced the campaign has raised over $550,000.

The Ames community has been fortunate to have the use of Iowa State’s facilities in the past and think the new complex will enhance the whole program and make a statement about how we feel about our kids, Burgason said.

Thirteen-year-old Samantha Dorr, one of four honorary spokespersons for the “Fulfill the Promise: Build the Dream” campaign and a user of the fields, presented a check for $25,000 on behalf of the youth of Ames in their fund raising efforts.