Student criticizes discipline code

Bill Kopatich

A student leader is questioning the right of Iowa State officials to punish students for crimes committed off campus.

Dave Cmelik, a representative on the Council of Student Affairs and former vice president of the Government of the Student Body, said he feels the university should “have no jurisdiction over students who commit minor crimes outside of the Iowa State campus.”

Cmelik referred to steps university officials have taken to reprimand students who have committed alcohol-related offenses during Veishea week.

In the past, students who have been found guilty of alcohol-related charges at off-campus locations during Veishea week have been placed on conduct probation by the university.

According to Cmelik, students who are on conduct probation are not eligible to participate in university activities. These activities include being leaders in student organizations.

Cmelik feels that students should not be punished in any way for “minor crimes” committed outside campus.

Cmelik said safety is important but added that the university may be violating students’ rights.

“A lot of the university policies on moral conduct are outdated,” Cmelik said. “They were enacted when the university stood as a means of a halfway house between the parents and the community.”

Tom Thielen, vice-president of student affairs, agreed with Cmelik on some points, but added, “if a crime committed outside of campus relates to the interest of the university, we will look at it. There is, however, a fine line between what is and what isn’t an interest of the university.”

Thielen said Veishea and other university sponsored events that might take place outside campus were in the university’s interest.

Cmelik is in favor of making numerous changes in the Iowa State Student Conduct Code. Thielen said the Student Conduct Code is reviewed on a year-to-year basis.