Hesitant school board buys furnace for doomed building

Iowa State Daily

The Ames School Board voted Monday night to raise the prices of breakfast and lunch meals for the coming year.

The price of breakfast will increase five cents per meal and each lunch meal will increase 10 cents.

Mary Mahoney, Director of Food Service, said that with an increase in food and labor costs, the increase in prices was necessary. Milk prices and reduced-price tickets for financially disadvantaged students would remain the same.

The board also discussed the replacement of heaters at the Lincoln Building.

Ralph Farrar, assistant superintendent, recommended the installation of high-efficiency gas-fired furnaces. There was discussion on alternative solutions, because the board was hesitant to spend so much money to heat a building that the school has no long-term plans for, board members said.

Superintendent Ron Rice said that even though the building’s future purpose has not been determined, the heating issue needed to be solved, because there is currently no heating system in the building.

The board then approved the $22,000 furnace system for the building.