Fund for Excellence meets goal

Kot Yik-Chit

The Greater University Fund For Excellence, an alumni fund sponsored by the ISU Foundation, reached its 1994-1995 goal of $800,000.

The fund raising effort, which concluded at the end of June, raised $803,000 for the fund.

The money will be allocated to priorities such as assisting in the restoration of Old Botany Hall and helping pay for outstanding teaching awards, said Laurie Susie, assistant director of annual giving.

According to the information from the ISU Foundation, in past years more than $200,000 in unrestricted gifts to the Greater University Fund was distributed on innovative teaching grants, research start-up, travel for students and faculty, Honors Program, and support of the fund-raising program itself, as well as Alumni Association activities.

The Greater University Fund for Excellence is composed of contributions from ISU alumni who make no restriction on the use of their gifts to Iowa State.

These unrestricted gifts can be used whenever and wherever the need is greatest at the university. Therefore, the use may vary from year to year, but will always be for high priority academic and development needs.

University administrators identify unmet priority needs and request funds allocated by the ISU Foundation Board of Directors every year