City water pipe bursts

Jenny Hykes

A break in the water main pipe at Wilson Avenue north of 13th Street affected the Ames city water supply Monday.

Tom Weese, City of Ames water locator, said a 14-inch crack split a pipe lengthwise at a joint. A four-foot section of the pipe had to be replaced.

Water in the surrounding neighborhood had to be turned off the entire time crews worked on the pipe, but service was restored by late afternoon.

Weese said he didn’t know how much water was lost, “but it does affect the city water supply pretty seriously. That is why we try to respond as quickly as possible.”

The pipe broke at 9:30 a.m., and water was turned off in the area until the pipe was fixed at 5:15 p.m.

Ray Barber, City of Ames senior heavy equipment operator, said the break was due to old age. The pipe has not been replaced since the area was originally plumbed.

Weese said Wilson Avenue has had breaks like this before.

The crew fixed the street as much as possible Monday afternoon. Barber said it took 40 tons of rock to fill the hole.

The street will be repaired completely by the City of Ames Street Department today, Weese said.