Is Congress waging war on students?

Letter To The Editor

To the Editor:

Last Tuesday, as part of a FY96 appropriations bill, the House Labor, Health and Human Services and Education Subcommittee debated an amendment whose purpose was to silence all the students who have been voicing opposition to proposed cuts to student aid.

Sponsored by Rep. Istook (R-Okla.) on behalf of Rep. Solomon (R-N.Y.), the amendment would deny all federal funds to any university or college at which “any amount derived from tuition, student activity fees, or other charges to students is used for the support of any organization or group that is engaged in lobbying or seeking to influence public policy or political campaigns…”

The practical effect of this amendment would be to eliminate most higher education employees and students from participating in the democratic process. Those potentially affected include:

* Associations representing administrators, faculty and college presidents

* Student Governments

* State Student Associations

* National student advocacy groups such as NAGPS, USSA and USPIRG

* Clubs on campus such as right-to-life groups, pro-choice groups, Amnesty International and any other groups which engage in issues in the public arena

* Any part of the university which does research if that research is used to “influence public policy.”

The amendment failed in subcommittee on an amazingly close vote of 6 to 8 (3 Republicans joined 5 Democrats voting against the amendment). Rep. Istook promises to bring the amendment up in full committee.

Actual text of the amendment:

“None of the funds appropriated in this Act may be made available to any institution of higher education when it is made known to the Federal official having authority to obligate or expend such funds that any amount derived from tuition, student activity fees, or other charges to students is used for the support of any organization or group that is engaged in lobbying or seeking to influence public policy or political campaigns, other than a student organization whose political activities relate exclusively to the organization and operation of such institution.”

Students, faculty, administrators and interested others who are able to contact their member of Congress should do so before the full committee vote on Thursday, July 20. The Congressional switchboard number is (202) 225-3121.

Kevin G. Boyer

NAGPS Executive Director, and Ivan Frishberg

USPIRG Higher Education

Project Director