By the way. . .

Iowa State Daily

Inexpensive art

If bare walls and empty pockets are plaguing you, it might be a good idea to visit the Memorial Union this Wednesday.

The Annual Art Lending Open House will be in the Gallery from noon until 4:30 p.m. A slew of pieces from the Union’s collection is available for rent for bargain prices.

“We rent to individuals, offices, and some campus organizations pick up work,” Any Kitzmann, programs advisor (Arts), explained.

The art is purely two-dimensional (no sculptures) of posters, different types of prints, screens and paintings. The pieces are available to rent for single semesters or the entire year.

Work is available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Those who can’t make it to this particular open house can view or rent artwork any time of year; just call 294-0971 for information.

Road trip!

For any individuals interested in a last-chance summer activity, the Midwest Rural Arts Forum will feature creative exercises to explore and help teach the concepts of arts and the community.

Located in DeKalb, Ill., July 28 and 29 will bring the forum, facilitated by Barbara Schaffer-Bacon. Schaffer-Bacon is an independent arts consultant from Massachusetts whose past work on local and community arts development has been deservingly nationally recognized.

The registration fee of around $20 will provide professionals on the topic to make the money well spent.

William Jackson, executive director of the Iowa Arts Council, strongly believes that everyone with an interest in arts should attend the forum. He said, “This is an excellent opportunity for people involved in Iowa Arts organizations to discuss the pertinent issues surrounding the arts in rural communities.”

Proving to have been a successful forum last year in Iowa, the forum returns offering travel subsidies through its Mini Grants program.

As a reasonably priced adventure, the Arts Forum can expand your mind, as well as introduce you to other art-interested folks like yourself. For questions or information, contact the Iowa Arts Council at 281-6787 or Steve Duchrow at Northern Illinois University at (815) 753-1421.