High schoolers learn at Catt Center

Christopher Mende

The Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics will host a summer politics workshop for high school students Wednesday, July 26.

The conference, which will run through July 29, will host 20 high school students from Iowa, and one from North Dakota, according to Jennifer Smyser, program assistant.

“Making a Difference: Politics in the United States and World Society,” is the third annual workshop for high schoolers, Smyser said.

“Its focus is on politics and this year we’re focusing mainly on the caucus process,” said Smyser.

Lieutenant Governor Joy Corning and other politicians from Iowa will be present at the conference to speak at several workshops throughout the week, Smyser said.

“I’m looking forward to meeting the people. I want to learn as much as possible going into the international field,” said Tessa Aurand, an Ames native who will attend Westminster University in Fulton, Mo. next fall.

“I’ve always been involved in politics,” Aurand said. She said she has decided to learn more about politics, and that this workshop will be educational and beneficial to her chosen major.

The Iowa students’ trips were funded by scholarships from organizations and companies throughout Iowa. The Catt Center awarded scholarships to half of the students, according to a release from the center.

The high school students will also have five ISU students as mentors throughout the workshop.

As well as listening to speakers, attending workshops and simulating a caucus, the visiting students will participate in a scavenger hunt, volleyball tournament and a Campustown social activity.