Help preserve the Endangered Species Act

Letter To The Editor

Hello everyone!

We really need your help on this one. Please distribute this message as widely as possible. The Endangered Species Act is under all sorts of attacks in Congress right now. We need folks who care about endangered species to call their Representative and two Senators to urge them to vote for a strong ESA today.

In addition to the specific messages outlined below, please note that funding to get species on the ESA list (so they’ll be protected) is on the chopping block via the Interior Appropriations bill which seeks to zero out listing monies for a year. There are many candidate species awaiting listing that will be jeopardized if this happens.

Please also ask your Representative and Senators to speak up for endangered species on the House and Senate Floor when the Interior Appropriations bill is considered.

In addition to protecting endangered species, the Endangered Species Act (ESA) protects people by protecting the species and ecosystems upon which we depend for foods, life-saving medicines, clean air and water, and a healthy economy. The ESA is under tremendous pressure in Congress right now and could be significantly weakened.

Here’s what you can do:

Use this number: (202)224-3121 [Capitol Hill Switchboard] to call your Representative and two Senators (most Congressional offices are open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Eastern time).


1) Vote for a strong Endangered Species Act.

2) Do NOT cosponsor S. 768 Senator Gorton’s ESA bill—it will weaken many of the ESA’s basic habitat protections.


1) Vote for a strong Endangered Species Act.

2) Sign on to Congressman Vento’s good ESA “Dear Colleague” letter (have them call Laura Hessberg (202)225-6631 in Congressman Vento’s office by July 13 to sign on) This letter urges the House Resources Committee to work for a strong ESA.

Thanks for your help!

For more information, contact:

Lisa S. Yee
National Wildlife Federation Endangered Species Program


E-mail: [email protected]