ISU will get $800,000 less than expected

Bill Kopatich

The Common Fund scandal will not have as dramatic an impact at ISU as was feared.

“The scandal will not affect future programs at Iowa State, because the lost revenue was not yet put into the operating budget,” ISU Treasurer Joan Thompson said. “The money lost in the scandal is not money we have already budgeted for, but is rather a loss of income on future investment returns.”

Thompson said 21 percent of the university’s investments are tied to the Common Fund. The lost revenue will cut only $300,000 of future revenues out of a annual operating budget of over $600 million.

Instead of a profit of 8.2 percent on its $23 million investment, ISU will get a 6.9 percent return. Thompson said this is still a very good return.

Steps are being taken to protect future investments. The Iowa Attorney General’s office and the governor’s office have been told of the problem.