Strutter comes alive on Love Shack stage

Scott Andresen

There are not many bands that are still cranking out CDs while having tribute bands tour the country singing their songs. In fact, it would be tough to name more than one band that fits this description.

“You wanted the best, you got the best, the hottest band in the world: KISS!” is such a prophetic statement that has defined perhaps the most influential band in the modern era. Kiss.

The shock-rock band of yore has influenced many artists and bands, and some have taken their influence to heart, giving up their own creativity and originality to spew forth the message of Kiss. One such band is Strutter. The message is have fun and party.

Looking the part of Kiss was easy, but sounding the part was a whole new ball game. The Love Shack presented these clones of costumes to Des Moines amid a cloud of smoke and beaming lights with only one hitch: the show started an hour late. Before Strutter took the stage, the crowd was impatient, hurling insults towards the stage.

One minor detail that needed work was the introduction. Strutter uses the intro to “Detroit Rock City” from the Destroyer album, but for some reason, it stopped. Then they started it back up and Strutter appeared. Pretty anti-climactic and annoying, on top of the lateness.

The crowd was forgiving as Strutter rocked into the first tune, “Detroit Rock City” and didn’t look back. With costumes from 1977, the “actors” looked exactly like Ace Frehley, Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley and Peter Criss. For those uninformed closet-dwellers, Frehley plays lead guitar, Simmons is on the bass and shares vocals, Stanley struts around playing rhythm guitar and vocals and Criss beats the drums.

Although there was something about Frehley that just didn’t jive (his hair was too black), he did sound like the real thing, but he seemed to be struggling with the whole “Ace” thing.

During “Deuce,” Simmons had the good ole’ tongue wagging around and the movements were down pat, with one minor flaw: his hair was brown.

For those die-hard fans out there that know every line to Kiss ALIVE!, then this is like a dream come true. Every intro and interlude was exactly like on the album.

Before their swan song, so to speak, “Strutter,” Paul imitated, “Looks like we’re going to have ourselves a rock ‘n roll party tonight!” perfectly.

Their solos were a combination of ALIVE! and ALIVE II, with Simmons even spitting fire. Even the “Space Ace” himself got into the act. “We’ve got a little surprise for you tonight. We’re going to turn the microphone over to Ace Frehley! Shock me!” Stanley yelled, right out of ALIVE II.

During “God of Thunder,” Peter Criss broke out into a hybrid solo from ALIVE as well as ALIVE II.

For any hard-core Kiss fan, this is a must-see show. Since Kiss no longer wears make-up and rumors of a reunion tour have been going on since the beginning of time, Strutter is the next best thing. An exciting and fun way to see “virtual Kiss” perform their greatest songs. By far, still “the greatest band in the world.”