Dole’s presidential run scoots through Ames

Melissa Luthro

Sen. Bob Dole, R-Kan., told an Ames audience Sunday that his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination is going well and that he is encouraged by the support he is receiving across the country.

“America is looking for someone with strong leadership experience. Someone who has been tested and a force for stability,” Dole said.

Dole spoke to about 400 Sunday afternoon at the Scheman Building during an ice cream social sponsored by his campaign.

“Iowa has a very unique responsibility as the first caucus,” Dole said. “The decision you make will be heard all over America. So you have to take a hard look at all of us and make a decision.”

Dole expressed extreme satisfaction over the balanced budget measures Congress has passed.

“My proudest day since in Congress was at a press conference last week when we announced that we’ve got a balanced budget by 2002,” Dole said. “We have a blueprint for a balanced budget.”

Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, was supported Dole at the event.

“Considering all of his years in Washington, he has never forgotten his roots,” Grassley said. “Everything he does in the senate replicates the Midwest traditions.”

Dole said a big issue in the Midwest is ethanol use and the federal government’s uncertain policies about it.

“President Clinton had no plan when he announced his initial plan,” Dole said. “Let’s give competition a chance.”

Dole also defended the Republicans in Congress who have been criticized about possible Medicare cuts by saying the goal is to restrain its growth not make cuts. If spending doesn’t level off, Medicare will be bankrupt in five years, he said.

Dole says July and August are the hardest months to campaign, but he will just keep talking about important issues.