Sheriff cracks down on seat belt abusers

Kerry Jensen

The Story County Sheriff’s Department organized a seatbelt enforcement project this Saturday in an attempt to send a message about seatbelt awareness, officials said.

“Iowa law provides that all front seat passenger and all children under 6 years old, anywhere in the vehicle, properly wear seat belts,” Story County County Sheriff Paul Fitzgerald. “When you consider the overwhelming evidence of how seat belts protect and save lives, we would encourage everyone in the vehicle to be buckled up.”

The seatbelt enforcement took place at six intersections, where a total of 75 citations were issued.

The project was considered a success, said Rhonda Goosic, of the Story County sheriffs office.

Three sheriff’s deputies, six reserve deputies and three state patrol officers were assigned to Story County in the effort.

The date was chosen because it fell the weekend before the dangerous Fourth of July holiday weekend.

The department hopes the sting will remind people to be careful when they travel, Goosic said.

Another seatbelt sting is scheduled for September, she added.

The enforcement was funded by a traffic safety grant from the Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau.