GOP poll coming to Ames

Vernon Johnson

On the wave of the success of the 1987 Republican straw poll in Ames, Republican party leaders have again chosen Ames to host the 1995 Iowa Republican straw poll.

“The straw polls are becoming commonplace in state parties to raise enthusiasm,” said David Kochel, executive director of the Republican Party of Iowa.

The 10 candidates seeking the Republican nomination are scheduled to be in Ames on August 19 in Hilton Coliseum.

“I think all 10 candidates are confirmed,” said Kevin Kimle, Story County chairman.

Each candidate will give a speech, and voting will take place after the speeches. Speeches will be 10 minutes in length and start at 6 p.m. The order of speakers will be drawn from a hat.

Participants will also get a chance to vote before the speeches. This will enable everyone an opportunity to vote and results to be posted that evening, Kennedy said.

“There won’t be enough time for results to be posted if the voting were to take place all at once,” Kochel said.

Republicans from all over the state are expected to cast votes for their favorite candidate.

The Republican Party of Iowa has a goal of 7,500 people to attend, Kimle said.

“In 1987, we had 5,000 people,” said Brian Kennedy, state chairman of the Republican Party.

Candidates will also be permitted to have tents outside Hilton throughout the day. Supporters of the candidates will be serving food and handing out stickers and buttons to people visiting the tents, Kimle said.

Kennedy said there should be a “rally type of atmosphere in the tents.”

Anyone who wants to be involved can contact the Republican Party of Iowa for tickets to the event.