Sick of Bud Light? Go to the M-Shop for new brew

Kris Fettkether

Do you fancy yourself a connoisseur of barley and hops? Do you long for something other than Ice House and Red Dog? Then the Maintenance Shop is the place for you this week.

The M-Shop will be featuring Breweries West of the Continental Divide all this week in a special beer tasting event. Just $6 buys a punch ticket good for 10, three-ounce samples of the beer of your choice. Although note, in some instances, two punches may be used for more expensive beers.

The inspiration for the event, which is the first of its kind at the M-Shop, came out of a desire to expand their regular selection. “We wanted to expand our stock, but we didn’t want to get stuck with three or four cases of beer that won’t sell,” Rusty Poehner, activities coordinator of the M-Shop, explained.

“This way, the people choose what will be in stock.” And Poehner’s personal favorite? “I like Alimony Ale out of a brewery in California. Its motto is, ‘The bitterest brew in America.'”

Other featured breweries are Celis Brewery located in Austin, Texas, and breweries from Wisconsin and Dubuque.

Last week’s selection of Beers East of the Continental Divide will also be on hand. The punches may be used all at the same time or throughout the week. The beer-tasting fun lasts until Friday.

An ID is required with purchase of punch tickets as well as when the ticket is punched. For more information, please call 294-2758.